Did you know that Curetape® kinesiology tape can be successfully applied to women who suffer from various complaints during or just before their period (i.e. Period Pain)?
Cause of menstrual problems
The exact cause of primary dysmenorrhoea is unknown, although there are strong indications that an overproduction of the hormone prostaglandin in the endometrium is a cause of the symptoms.
“Primary dysmenorrhoea” is the medical term for abdominal and/or back pain that can be accompanied by, for example, nausea, vomiting, depression, headaches, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating. Primary dysmenorrhoea is very common. Research shows that at least 60% of women experience symptoms during their periods. In women under 20 years of age, the percentage is higher.
Prostaglandin can cause sustained (spastic) contractions of the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus. This causes greater strain on the ligaments and fascia of the uterus and reduces blood flow to this area. The pain receptors are therefore activated.The hormone prostaglandin also causes other symptoms such as headache, nausea, diarrhoea, and fatigue.
The treatment of period pain with CureTape®
Period pain is often treated with painkillers. However, painkillers can also have side effects such as insomnia, stomach complaints, and headaches.
A treatment with CureTape® is a non-drug treatment and is very simple and effective to apply. Within half an hour after applying the tape, the complaints will be almost non-existent. It is best to wear the tape for one to three days and start before the first complaints arise.

Tape back: one longer i-strip.Stretch the skin by flexion, apply the tape from the middle over the left and right SIPS (“dimples” in the back).
Tape belly side: two smaller i-strips.
Stretch the skin by breathing in as much as possible. The first strip is applied between the navel and the upper edge of the pubic area. The second tape is applied horizontally from the middle over the first tape.
Why does kinesiology tape work for period pain?
The elastic property of the tape provides a lifting effect on the skin, giving the pain receptors more space. There is also a segmental relationship from the spinal cord to the uterine area. The “stimulus” that the tape provides reduces “tissue tension” in this area, thereby reducing or even eliminating the complaints.
More information:
- Request a CureTape® sample pack for free »
- Continue reading about CureTape kinesiology tape and it’s effectiveness »
- Browse through the CureTape products in our webshop »
- Continue reading about kinesiology taping instructions »
Please note that applications provided on our website are not clinically proven. All mentioned applications are based on extensive evaluation and case studies with licensed physiotherapists and/or other health professionals.
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